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Altruismo Amistad Isibindi Reveur

Inspired by The Ron Clark Academy, we have chosen to implement The House System at Pease Elementary.  We are a TEAM.  We are a FAMILY.  With all teams, there is some form of competition and fun.  The Houses create a sense of belonging --a way of connecting with others across our campus.  Students and staff from all grade levels will make up each House.  Meetings will be held bi-weekly on Friday during recess.  Please see school calendar for the month noting when students can wear their House shirts.

  • House of Altruismo (Black) - House of Givers
  • House of Amistad (Red) - House of Friendship
  • House of Isibindi (Green) - House of Courage
  • House of Reveur (Blue) - House of Dreamers

Students earn points for their Houses at the Campus and Classroom levels:

  • Student Achievement
  • Attendance
  • Positive Behavior
  • Uniforms
  • Great Character

Each time your student does well and earns points for their House, you can be notified by simply signing up with their teacher. We are excited about our House System and ask for your support as we take Pease to the next level.